The Spring MVC framework allows one to configure an application in 2 different ways :
- via a XML configuration file
- via annotations
I use the Netbeans IDE (6.7) for Spring development.
When you create a Spring MVC project, the template generated is using the XML configuration (to specify the mapping between URL patterns and Controllers)
To enable annotation:
-in ${project}-servlet.xml, remove/comment out the declarations regarding the
- ControllerClassNameHandlerMapping
- SimpleUrlHandlerMapping
- ParameterizableViewController
-in the applicationContext.xml, add the following declarations:
*When declaring the <beans> root,
- add the 'context' namespace declaration: xmlns:context="
- Add the following to the xsi:schemaLocation:
*Add the below beans declarations:<bean class="org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.annotation.DefaultAnnotationHandlerMapping" />
<context:component-scan base-package="com.myapp"/>From the documentation of Spring 2.5,
DefaultAnnotationHandlerMapping is an "implementation of the
interface that maps handlers based on HTTP paths expressed through the
annotation at the type or method level. "
You will have to declare in your Java classes (POJO) a @RequestMapping which will represent an URL pattern.
The component-scan will tell Spring to scan the base-package for classes that have been annotated (@Controller, @RequestMapping...)
See more info on
DefaultAnnotationHandlerMapping here