Tuesday, August 11, 2009

[SpringMVC] Spring Tool Suite 2.1.0 includes a Spring MVC template project

I have just installed Spring Tool Suite 2.1.0.
Spring Tool Suite (STS) is a tool from SpringSource based on the Eclipse IDE.
It includes most of the tools (Maven, Tomcat ...) you would need to do some Spring development.

I have tried STS 2.0.2 and one of the reason I stay with Netbeans (which is also a great product) is that creating a Spring MVC project was easier in Netbeans than in STS.
With STS 2.0.2, I had spend long hours to find out how to make a Spring MVC template work with no success (using maven2 archtype).

With STS 2.1.0, it's now easy to create a Spring MVC project to base your development on.

To create a Spring MVC project, go to:

1) File -> New -> Spring Template Project
2) Select the kind of template you want (MVC, Batch, Webflow...) and click Next
3) Enter your project name and top-level package name and click Finish
4) Et Voila, a Spring MVC project ready to be used.

Also, the great thing is that the configuration of this Spring MVC project is based on annotation instead of XML-only file (on Netbeans). The controller is then a simple POJO with @Controller.

Have a try, I look forward to playing around with it

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